Sunday, August 2, 2009
The Season of Blessings
I pronounce on your life that you are entering a new season - The Season of Blessings. Many of you have struggled during this economic recession with jobs, finances and other issues. I see the clouds lifting, and the sun beginning to shine on your life. Now is the time to align your personal and spiritual affairs to walk in the blessings that God has for you. Isaiah 60:1 says "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you." You will reap, because you did not faint. Enjoy your season of blessing.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Take Care of His Temple
I have once again resumed my exercise/fitness program. I have started and stopped this process many times, which I am sure many you have as well. However, I feel a little different about this particular effort. I am committed to taking care of God's temple, because I realize there is so much more He wants to get out of my life. You see, before I was trying to do it for me, but this time I am doing it for Him. The Word of God tells us that our bodies are His temples - the place where He lives. I don't want God to live in a run-down, condemned building. Therefore, I have to eat better and work-out. I may lose a few pounds in the process, but that's really not my goal this time. This time its not about me, but Him. Instead of taking care of my body, I've decided to take care of His temple. What about you? Are you satisfied with the house you have put God in?
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Independence Day
I hope you and your family are having a happy holiday weekend. The 4th of July is usually associated with fireworks, barbecue, and family fun. On this 4th, remember that this day marks the indepedence of our Nation from Great Britain. However, from a spiritual perspective we are also independent from the vices and control of the devil. As a believer, do not allow the enemy to imprison you through fear, doubt, or anxiety concerning life's daily affairs. Make up in your mind to live a saved life free from the tricks of the enemy. Remember, those whom the Son has set free are free indeed. Happy 4th of July. Enjoy your independence. Jesus paid for it!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Michael Jackson
As a child, I too grew up with pretending to be a part of the Jackson 5. I vividly remember disputes with my older brother over who would be Michael as we rode in the back seat of the family car, most of the time on our way home from church. Michael was a genius, blessed with an incredible gift from God. However, in spite of his fame and fortune, he seemed to be void of true happiness. I believe he was used by many, who really did not care about helping him to find peace within his soul. The bible asks us the question, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" In other words, what difference does it make that you have gained material possessions but you have lost the essence of who you are? As I reminisce on his music, it is my prayer that in the end, he finally found himself through God.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
I would like to wish a Happy Father's Day to all fathers. Praise God for the fathers who are taking care of business as it relates to their children. Thank you for teaching your sons proper morals and values, and for teaching them how to treat their mother, sister, and all girls and ladies. Thank you for showing your daughters what a true man is, so they will grow up understanding how they are to be treated by a man. Thank you for not only showing them you love them, but by telling them as well. Thank you for being the father to the one who knows not where their biological father is. I salute each of you and say Happy Father's Day.
Friday, June 19, 2009
You Matter to God
Have you ever felt as if God had forgotten about you? Does it ever seem as if He blesses everyone else but you? Have you ever wondered if He even cares what happens to you? You are not alone. All of us have felt as if God was ignoring us, and sometimes wondered if He ever knew us. You look around and see other people moving forward with their lives, while you are stuck in a rut. You pray, read the bible, and try to live right. Yet, the next person who doesn't even try to live for Him seems reap all the benefits. Hey, God!! Where are you? Hello? Is anybody Home? I'm down here!! Dont worry. He knows, sees, hears and feels you. You are not forgotten and you are not being ignored. You are too important to Him for Him to forget. He's working on your behalf, even when it doesn't seem like it. He has brought you too far to leave you now. He is too close to proving to the world who He is by the blessing that He has in store for you. Hang in there. Dont quit. Trust me, you matter to God. Have a blessed day.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Work in Progress
There is a gospel song that says "Please be patient with me. God is not through with me yet." With all of our success, if we were honest with ourselves, we would have to admit that there is still much improvement needed. God knows what others do not know about us. Others may not know about our weaknesses and shortcomings, but we do and so does God. Yet He keeps on blessing us in spite of ourselves. That's reason enough to continue the work in progress.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Say I Love You
Today, one of my special members went home to be with the Lord. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to be by her side, along with her only daughter and other family members. Although this was a tough situation for everyone, I am thankful that this daughter took the time on a frequent basis to tell her mother how much she loved her. Often times, we assume that a person knows that we love them. Even when they do know this, it is still important that we take the take to say "I Love You." If you are a man, know that a real man tells his wife, children, family, and friends (even male friends) that he loves them. These words are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. Although this daughter will miss her mom, she can take comfort in knowing that while she had a chance, she told her mom how much she loved her. What about you? When was the last time you used these words to express your feelings to your loved ones. Don't assume they know - make sure they know. Call them! Text them! Email them! Don't delay, for today may be their last tomorrow.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Why Do You Go to Church?
Every Sunday, millions of people get up out of the bed, dress and groom to go to church. However, many do not go for the right reasons. Some go to see what others are wearing. Some go for primarily social reasons. Some go simply out of tradition. First and foremost, you should go to worship God. Regardless of how well the choir sings, or how interesting the sermon was to you, you must understand that true worship begins with the individual. We should not go to church seeking the presence of God, but bringing the presence of God with us. Go to church to change; to improve; to get better. Go to church to be an inspiration, not a distraction. Ask yourself the question – why do I go to church?
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Our Daily Bread
As I celebrate my birthday today, I am thankful not just for another year, but simply for another day. So often we focus so far into our future until we fail to enjoy the beauty of another day. The Lord's Prayer says "give us this day our daily bread." We should pray for bread daily, not weekly, monthly or annually. The only way one can pray for "daily" bread is by praying daily. Have you prayed today, or are you waiting for church service tomorrow? My day of celebration is tempered by the fact that a wonderful member of our congregation is lying in a coma in the hospital. This wonderful, relatively young woman was perfectly fine when I saw her on Thursday, but became ill the next day. As we pray for her full recovery and trust God completely for her healing, we are reminded how precious each day is. Don't take daily bread for granted.
Friday, June 12, 2009
I'm Back!!!
Thank you for following this blog. I have received many comments from those of you who have missed my updates. I will resume blogging tomorrow. I intend to continue communicating messages of encouragement and hope to all my readers. Let your friends know that we will resume our messaging tomorrow. Have a blessed night. Make sure you go to the church of your choice this weekend.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Youth & Family Conference - Saturday
Join us this Saturday for “Making a Difference Day” at our Westside campus. We will enjoy a day of fun and games, including a three-on-three basketball tournament, inflatables for the children, games, popcorn, cotton candy, more food and good music. This event is open to the public, and is one of the many ways our ministry gives back to the community. If you live in the Jacksonville area, we welcome you to this exciting event.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Youth & Family Conference
Join us this weekend for our Youth & Family Conference. Our conference begins on Friday at 7:00pm at Spirit of Life Worship Center. My wife and I will be teaching on relationships, from the title "Relationships: The Real Deal." This worship experience is for all adults, not just married couples. Whether you're married, dating, or in between relationships, I know this message will bless you life. Invite your friend and co-workers. While we are in the sanctuary, the youth will be in the gymnasium for "Youth Explosion." So bring the whole family for an evening of instruction, fellowship and fun. Stay tuned for further updates on the rest of the weekend's activities.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Don't Take Life for Granted
This past week has been very challenging for the body of Christ in Jacksonville. On Monday, we were shocked by the sudden passing of Bro. Victor Solomon. Bro. Solomon was someone that I knew personally. Everyone who knew him can attest to the fact that he helped everyone he could. He was always giving. Ironically, he died while working out at a Christian fitness center. Today, I was equally shocked to learn of the passing of Pastor Rudolph Mims, who along with his wife, Dr. Barbara Mims, are the leaders of New St. James Holy Family Church. Pastor Rudolph went home to be with the Lord right after preaching to the glory of God. Two Christian men suffering massive heart attacks while doing the right thing. Let us pray for their families, and let us all remember that tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Don't take your life for granted.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
How to Live a Victorious Life (Part 3)
The third step in living a victorious life is to make God the foundation of everything you do. 1 Peter 2:4-8 refers to Jesus as the living cornerstone of God. In construction, a block or brick layer begins laying stones at a corner. These “corner” stones represent the beginning of the whole building. Jesus is the beginning, or the foundation of our existence. Therefore, He should be the foundation of everything we do. We should not focus on Him only in church, or during other periods of worship. He should shape our thoughts, words and actions Monday through Sunday. We should live our lives to please Him and Him alone. In order for a building to be able to withstand storms, it must be built on a solid foundation. In order for you and me to survive, our foundation must be in Christ.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
How to Live a Victorious Life (Part 2)
The second step in living a victorious life is to constantly seek the Lord. 1 Peter 2:2-3 (NLT) says, “You must crave pure spiritual milk so that you can grow into the fullness of your salvation. Cry out for this nourishment as a baby cries for milk, now that you have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness.” Most of us know how to seek the Lord when we need something from Him. Whenever we seek Him for something, He eventually provides. We’ve all “tasted of the Lord’s kindness.” But the question is – why settle for a “taste” of his goodness, when you can have the full course? If you seek Him all the time, you won’t have to settle for a taste during the time of a crisis. Have you ever watched babies drink milk? They don’t want to take a break for burping or even breathing. The bible says that’s how our desire should be for God and His word. Seek him not just when you’re in need. Seek Him 24/7.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
How to Live a Victorious Life (Part 1)
Recently, I taught from the subject "How to Live a Victorious Life," based on 1 Peter 2:1-10. Through God's word, we learned that a victorious life is not based on material things, status, degrees or accomplishments. All of these things are good, but they won't give you true victory. A victorious life is based on what's within, not what is on the outside. Through this teaching, we learned that in order to have a victorious life, there are some things we must do.
First, we must perform what I refer to as "Spring Cleaning." 1 Peter 2:1 (NLT) says, "So get rid of all malicious behavior and deceit. Don’t just pretend to be good! Be done with hypocrisy and jealousy and backstabbing." We must clean up and clean out any behavior that is not pleasing to God. We must do away with false pretense. It's time for God's people to be real. That's the beginning of a victorious life. Stay tuned for Part 2.
First, we must perform what I refer to as "Spring Cleaning." 1 Peter 2:1 (NLT) says, "So get rid of all malicious behavior and deceit. Don’t just pretend to be good! Be done with hypocrisy and jealousy and backstabbing." We must clean up and clean out any behavior that is not pleasing to God. We must do away with false pretense. It's time for God's people to be real. That's the beginning of a victorious life. Stay tuned for Part 2.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Thanks to Buffalo Soldiers
I want to thank the Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club of Jacksonville for agreeing to become a part of our mentoring program. I had the opportunity to speak with them at their recent monthly meeting. I was so impressed with this group of men and women, who do a lot more than just ride motorcycles. Their commitment to the history and ideals of the original Buffalo Soldiers who fought in wars for our freedom, and their commitment to giving back to their community is remarkable. I hope more organizations will follow the lead of the Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club by getting involved in community causes. I look forward to the partnership between our organizations.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Yes You Can!!!
President Barack Obama's campaign chant was "Yes We Can!" This simple statement energized the country and even the world to believe, even during times of recession and despair. Long before President Obama uttered those words, God's Word told me that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13 NKJV) When you are tempted to slip into a personal recession or even depression, know that if you can believe, you can achieve. Although things may appear to be too hard for you, nothing is too hard for God. You don't have to go around looking for Him - He is always with you. He is the greater one who lives inside of you. Don't let people or problems convince you that you cannot make it. Yes, you can, and yes, you will!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
For the Little Things
The older I get, the more I find myself thanking God for things such as eyes that can see, legs that can walk, and a voice that can talk. Of course, I thank Him for all things, including the big ones (house, cars, money, etc.), but where would we be if it wasn't for the blessings we so often take for granted? Who says you have to be able to see? Why were you so blessed when others who are just as special to God have to rely on others to guide them around? We often fail to thank God for the "basics" of life. We take shoes for granted, when others have no feet. We get angry with our children, while others are trying desperately to conceive. We complain about the cost of car repairs, while others wait in the rain to catch the bus. We stress out when our spouse or roommate pays the mortgage or rent late. Try living under a rent-free bridge like so many have to do. I guess I've come to realize that nothing should be taken for granted. I've learned to thank God for everything, especially what we call the little things.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thanks to Our Volunteers
I want to thank our volunteers who participated in our FCAT Camp. Since Christmas, we have held a Saturday camp for our students at Wayman Academy of the Arts to help them prepare for the FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test). We were very pleased that our parents allowed and transported as many as 70 kids on Saturday mornings to take advantage of this opportunity. I thank my awesome members for your support. I also would like to thank Pastor Gary L. Williams and the wonderful members of First Baptist Church of Mandarin who also volunteered their time. Our students have been testing all this week, and we are confident that they will do well, thanks to you.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Give Back to Your Community
I am thankful for a recent post from a parent whose children are a part of our mentoring program. The purpose of our ministry is to make a difference in the lives of people God allows us to serve. Each of us, regardless of church affiliation, are called on by God to let our lights so shine before men that they will see our good works and glorify God. What good works are you doing? You have been blessed with so much. What are you doing to give back? Find a way to become a mentor or a tutor. There are so many young people who would be blessed by your involvement in your life. If you are in Jacksonville and are interested in becoming a mentor, please give us a call at (904) 693-1503. If you do not live in Jacksonville, find a worthwhile cause in your city, and volunteer some of your time.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Do What He Tells You To Do
I apologize for the delay in a new posting. I was having internet problems at my home office. After many hours trying to fix the problem I created, I finally swallowed my pride and called technical support. I was on hold for many minutes before a technician finally came on the line. He instructed me to do things to my computer that I did not understand. After following his detailed instructions, my internet connection was eventually restored.
There is a powerful lesson in this true story. In life, many of the problems we incur are self-inflicted. Nevertheless, all we need to do is swallow our pride and call the Master Technician. He may not answer as soon as we want Him to, but He's always on time. Follow His instructions, even when they don't seem to make sense, and you will be completed restored. May God bless you and yours.
There is a powerful lesson in this true story. In life, many of the problems we incur are self-inflicted. Nevertheless, all we need to do is swallow our pride and call the Master Technician. He may not answer as soon as we want Him to, but He's always on time. Follow His instructions, even when they don't seem to make sense, and you will be completed restored. May God bless you and yours.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Power of Words
Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that "death and life are in the power of the tongue." Your words can build up or tear down. There's an old saying that "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." Even though many of us were taught this saying in an attempt to keep us from over-reacting to hurtful comments by others, it is a saying that really is not true. Words can hurt. Harmful words affect self-esteem, while helpful words build. Let's choose to be builders - builders of people. Someone needs a kind word from you - a word of encouragement, a word of endearment. Let's release words of life into the atmosphere, and withhold words that will kill or destroy. You have the power. Be careful to use it in the right way.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
You are Unique & Special
Have you ever wondered why God made you? In bad times, do you ever ask the question "why was I born?" The answer is very simple. God made you because He needed and wanted a you. No one else that He had ever made was like you, and no one else ever will be. Psalm 139:14 (New Century Version) says, "I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well." No one walks the way you walk, no one has your smile. You have a unique sense of humor. You have a style that is distinctly yours. You don't have to be like anyone else. Take time today to celebrate you. Don't let the negative words of others distort your self-impression. Regardless of what others may say, God says you're wonderful. If God said it, that settles it! Don't expect anyone to love you if you don't first love yourself.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Too Close to Turn Around
What have you been waiting on God to do in your life? Help you finish your degree? Restore your marriage? Save your children? Start a new business? Get a new job? Whatever it is, you must know that you are close to completing the task. Sometimes it seems as if we take one step forward and two steps back. It appears that everytime we make a little progress, some negative circumstance comes along to derail all of our efforts. But you can't give up. You've come too far to turn around. Romans 13:11 tells us that our salvation is closer now than when we first believed. Whatever you are believing God for right now, know that it shall come to pass if you keep pressing forward. You've made a lot of progress and come a long way. Even though you are not perfect, you are a lot better than you used to be. You've cleaned up your language; kicked some bad habits; you're praying more; reading your bible; you're going to church. Look at you - you're on your way! You may say "I still have a long way to go," but God says "You're Too Close to Turn Around Now." Press on my brother, press on my sister. You're almost there!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
It Remains To Be Seen
Many of you know that my favorite scripture is 1 Corinthians 2:9, "...eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." This scripture reminds all of us that God has so much more in store for us. In Jeremiah 29:11, God says "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Be encouraged today and know that regardless of how difficult life may seem for you right now, God has plans for you. Plans of blessings, plans of prosperity, plans of peace. During days of challenge (we all have them), these scriptures encourage me by reminding me that God has not forgotten me. In fact, I am always on God's mind as he prepares and plans my future blessings. The same truth applies to you and all who love God. Your best days are ahead, not behind. Go forth child of God. You're on your way to your blessing place.
Friday, February 27, 2009
My Superwoman
I think our church has a pretty good pastor. However, I know we have an awesome first lady! Congratulations to my wife, Dr. Cynthia, for being appointed by Governor Charlie Crist to serve on the state Board of Pharmacy. In this four-year position, she will be responsible for licensing new pharmacists in the state, as well as reviewing and managing the professional standards that govern all pharmacists. Our daughters, who are both pharmacy majors at FAMU, may have the privilege of having their mom review and approve their application for license once they finish school and pass the board exam. God is an awesome God. In addition to all of her professional accomplishments, she is a loving, supportive wife, a terrific mom, a wonderful first lady, a prayer warrior, a community volunteer, a role model for young women, an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, and the list goes on and on. God has blessed me with much more than a wife - He has given me a Superwoman!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Random Acts of Kindness
Do you remember the days when almost everyone was nice? Back in the day, people spoke to each other, even if they were strangers. Men opened doors for women, and assisted the young and the elderly. I remember growing up in church during a time when an adult churchgoer would give a child a quarter for no reason. Let's bring those days back! Let's find a way to be kind. Pay for someone else's lunch. Allow the car to merge in front of you. Say good morning to everyone you come into contact with. Give a compliment. Call someone just to tell them you appreciate them. Send a card. These are just a few ways we can show kindness and the love of God to our brothers and sisters. Have a blessed day. Now go out and be kind!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Ash Wednesday
Today is Ash Wednesday, which signifies the beginning of the Lenten Season. Today is the day that we, as Christians, begin to travel with Christ on His way to the cross. In the bible, ashes were a symbol of mourning. Esther 4:1 (RSV) says, "When Mordecai learned all that had been done, Mordecai rent his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the midst of the city, wailing with a loud and bitter cry." While we are thankful that Jesus died for us, we are also sad that because of our sins, He had to. The Season of Lent lasts forty days (count the number of days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday, excluding Sundays). Many people make a sacrifice, or "give up something" for lent. This is done to symbolize the awesome sacrifice that God have through His Son, and that the Son gave through His life. One should not give up certain foods for Lent because they want to lose weight. Whatever you give up, it should be done from the perspective of sharing in the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus our Savior. During this season, we should reflect on our spiritual walk with God, and vow to live an even better life for God's glory. May God bless you during this special time of the year.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Look Inside
What is it that you have been waiting for? Are you looking for a new job? A better financial situation? A stable relationship? Where have you been looking? Have you looked to others? If so, you have been looking in the wrong direction. Instead of looking outward, turn and look inward. 1 John 4:4 says "...greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." God has gifted you with everything you need to succeed. If God lives in you, He will lead, guide and direct you (in His own time) to your destiny. Don't loose patience when it seems as if everybody is progressing except you. Stay true to yourself and your God, and in due season you will reap, if you do not faint. You know you can trust God. Now you've got to learn to trust yourself. If God lives inside of you, in order to find Him, all you have to do is look inside.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
What is God Saying to You?
Tomorrow is our day of worship. Praise, worship, singing and fellowship are all integral parts of the total worship experience. But nothing is more important than the Word of God. The man or woman who delivers the message is merely the instrument that God uses to speak to us. However, many people will worship tomorrow and remember everything about the worship service except the sermon. In other words, they will miss what God is saying to them. I have always been amazed about how hundreds or even thousands can hear the same message, yet God can utter a specific, tailor-made message for each person in the sanctuary. As you worship on Sunday, listen to what God has to say personally to you, your situation, your future, your destiny. Share with other readers what you got out of Sunday's sermon. You may include the name of your church and pastor (or whoever delivered the message) if you have positive comments. This blog is designed to lift up, not tear down. Let us hear from you. What is God saying to you?
Friday, February 20, 2009
Congratulations! God has blessed you by letting you see another day! Many people woke up this morning thinking and saying "Thank God It's Friday!" It really should not matter what day of the week it is, for every day we wake up we should say "T.G.I.T. - Thank God It's Today!" There is a popular gospel song (GMWA Mass Choir) entitled "Everyday is a Day of Thanksgiving. My late father-in-law's personal definition of "grace" was time. He would always say that whenever God gave you more time, He was giving you grace. By waking up this morning, God has given more grace. Whenever I talk to a particular friend of mine, I usually begin the conversation by asking him how he's doing. He always responds by saying "Rev., every day is a holiday and every meal is a banquet." He always has such a bright outlook on life, even though he has been through many trials and tribulations. This friend is not a minister, and would admit that he is far from being a perfect Christian. Yet, he has discovered something about the grace of God that many of us have yet to learn. Each new day is a blessing from God. Whatever you may face today, thank God that you have today. Someone who is smarter, nicer, richer, healthier and younger than you did not wake up this morning - but you did! Thank God It's Today!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Church Anniversary
We will celebrate our 127th church anniversary at Wayman Chapel this weekend. Tomorrow night (7pm) Pastor Tann Moss of Greater Payne Chapel AME Church of Jacksonville will be our guest preacher. He is relatively new in Jacksonville, so most people have not heard him preach. Trust me - he is an awesome preacher! We will have a day of fun on Saturday, with a talent show at 4pm. Our anniversary weekend will conclude Sunday morning at 10am with Bishop McKinley Young as our guest preacher. Come and share with us this weekend as we celebrate 127 years of God's grace and blessings.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Don't Grow Weary
Have you ever felt as if people don't appreciate your kind efforts? Ever felt stepped on, trampled? Sometimes, it seems that the more you try to love and help people, the more they seem to throw dirt in your face. I recently had that feeling. How do we get over that feeling? The answer - the Word of God. Galations 6:9 says, "So don’t get tired of doing what is good. Don’t get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time." Colossians 3:23 says, "Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." So you see, the object of our good deeds is not supposed to be man, but God. The next time you feel unappreciated by your spouse, boss, co-worker, friend, or anyone else, know that your good works are appreciated - by God. He will reward you for what you do. So don't grow weary; keep doing good.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Men's Ministry
Our men's ministry met last night at Spirit of Life Worship Center. We had a wonderful time discussing issues that primarily affect men. We spoke at length about Ephesians 5, where the Word tells husbands to love their wives, and wives to reverence their husbands. Men are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. Christ's love was a sacrificial love. In other words, He gave of himself so that the church could be its best. Men, that is our charge - to give of ourselves so the women in our lives can be their best. Growing up, I remember how my father would always let my mother drive the nice car, while he traveled in the older car. He would make sure that she looked nice when they went to church, even if that meant he had to wear the same old suit. I think we need to go back to some of those old ways. I still believe men should open the door for women (all women, not just your wife). Chivalry is on life support, but can be revived. Most women will reverence and respect God-fearing men who treat them like Christ treats the church. These ideals should be taught to our boys, so that when they become men they will know how to treat a woman. In most instances, if a man loves a woman the way Christ loves the church, the woman will have no problem respecting and honoring the man. If you don't believe me, try it. It works!
If you live in Jacksonville, Florida, I welcome you to attend our next men's ministry meeting. You don't have to be a member of our church. We meet every third Monday at 6:30pm. I look forward to seeing you.
If you live in Jacksonville, Florida, I welcome you to attend our next men's ministry meeting. You don't have to be a member of our church. We meet every third Monday at 6:30pm. I look forward to seeing you.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Forgive and Live
In Matthew 18:23-35, Jesus gives the parable of a servant who owed a debt of millions of dollars. Because he could not pay, the king commanded that he be sold into servitude, along with his family, and that everything he owned would also be sold to pay off some of his debt. He in turn asked the king to give him more time to pay. The king had compassion on him and decided not to force him to sell all. The man, who should have been grateful, went out and found one of his peers who owed him a much smaller sum. Instead of having compassion on him, he choked the man and had him thrown into jail. Upon hearing this, the king who had previously forgiven him reinstated the debt and had him thrown into jail.
It is important that we learn from this lesson the importance of forgiving. Real life begins when we grant forgiveness, not just receive. Three conceptual lessons we can learn from this scripture are:
1. The Proportion of Forgiveness - Notice that the man was forgiven of a debt of millions, but failed to forgive a debt of at most a few thousands. We, too, must understand that God has forgiven us of much more than we will ever be able to forgive others. Therefore, we must constantly seek to forgive.
2. The Priority of Forgiveness - Notice that the man was first forgiven by the king before he had the opportunity to forgive his friend. Just as we love Jesus because He first loved us, we should be able to forgive because He first forgave us.
3. The Purpose of Forgiveness - Notice that by failing to forgive his fellow man, he lost his freedom, and was not able to pursue life to the fullest. We must understand that the reason for and focus of forgiveness is us - not the person who harmed us.
Too often we choose not to forgive because we feel that it will hurt the other person. The truth of the matter is unforgiveness only hurts you. Think of it this way. When we breathe, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. We need oxygen to live, while carbon dioxide will kill us. However, plants need carbon dioxide to live and thrive. The person who hurt you so bad that you won't forgive them is just like a plant. If you choose to not forgive (which is like exhaling), you may think you're hurting them. In fact, sometimes you may hurt them by withholding your forgiveness. However, keep in mind that holding in your forgiveness is like holding in carbon dioxide. While it may hurt them, it will certainly kill you. It will kill future dreams, relationships, joy, peace and contentment. Get out of prison. Forgive and Live.
It is important that we learn from this lesson the importance of forgiving. Real life begins when we grant forgiveness, not just receive. Three conceptual lessons we can learn from this scripture are:
1. The Proportion of Forgiveness - Notice that the man was forgiven of a debt of millions, but failed to forgive a debt of at most a few thousands. We, too, must understand that God has forgiven us of much more than we will ever be able to forgive others. Therefore, we must constantly seek to forgive.
2. The Priority of Forgiveness - Notice that the man was first forgiven by the king before he had the opportunity to forgive his friend. Just as we love Jesus because He first loved us, we should be able to forgive because He first forgave us.
3. The Purpose of Forgiveness - Notice that by failing to forgive his fellow man, he lost his freedom, and was not able to pursue life to the fullest. We must understand that the reason for and focus of forgiveness is us - not the person who harmed us.
Too often we choose not to forgive because we feel that it will hurt the other person. The truth of the matter is unforgiveness only hurts you. Think of it this way. When we breathe, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. We need oxygen to live, while carbon dioxide will kill us. However, plants need carbon dioxide to live and thrive. The person who hurt you so bad that you won't forgive them is just like a plant. If you choose to not forgive (which is like exhaling), you may think you're hurting them. In fact, sometimes you may hurt them by withholding your forgiveness. However, keep in mind that holding in your forgiveness is like holding in carbon dioxide. While it may hurt them, it will certainly kill you. It will kill future dreams, relationships, joy, peace and contentment. Get out of prison. Forgive and Live.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Quality Improvement in the Church
Our ministry is in the process of implementing a quality improvement (Q/I) process. Q/I is an old concept in the corporate world, but is seldom utilized in the Body of Christ. As a result, many churches are using old, out-dated models in a rapidly changing, contemporary society. Although the message of Christ does not change, our methods for deliverying the message should. Keep our ministry in your prayers as we allow ourselves to be "transformed by the renewing of our minds."
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