Saturday, June 27, 2009

Michael Jackson

As a child, I too grew up with pretending to be a part of the Jackson 5. I vividly remember disputes with my older brother over who would be Michael as we rode in the back seat of the family car, most of the time on our way home from church. Michael was a genius, blessed with an incredible gift from God. However, in spite of his fame and fortune, he seemed to be void of true happiness. I believe he was used by many, who really did not care about helping him to find peace within his soul. The bible asks us the question, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" In other words, what difference does it make that you have gained material possessions but you have lost the essence of who you are? As I reminisce on his music, it is my prayer that in the end, he finally found himself through God.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

I would like to wish a Happy Father's Day to all fathers. Praise God for the fathers who are taking care of business as it relates to their children. Thank you for teaching your sons proper morals and values, and for teaching them how to treat their mother, sister, and all girls and ladies. Thank you for showing your daughters what a true man is, so they will grow up understanding how they are to be treated by a man. Thank you for not only showing them you love them, but by telling them as well. Thank you for being the father to the one who knows not where their biological father is. I salute each of you and say Happy Father's Day.

Friday, June 19, 2009

You Matter to God

Have you ever felt as if God had forgotten about you? Does it ever seem as if He blesses everyone else but you? Have you ever wondered if He even cares what happens to you? You are not alone. All of us have felt as if God was ignoring us, and sometimes wondered if He ever knew us. You look around and see other people moving forward with their lives, while you are stuck in a rut. You pray, read the bible, and try to live right. Yet, the next person who doesn't even try to live for Him seems reap all the benefits. Hey, God!! Where are you? Hello? Is anybody Home? I'm down here!! Dont worry. He knows, sees, hears and feels you. You are not forgotten and you are not being ignored. You are too important to Him for Him to forget. He's working on your behalf, even when it doesn't seem like it. He has brought you too far to leave you now. He is too close to proving to the world who He is by the blessing that He has in store for you. Hang in there. Dont quit. Trust me, you matter to God. Have a blessed day.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Work in Progress

There is a gospel song that says "Please be patient with me. God is not through with me yet." With all of our success, if we were honest with ourselves, we would have to admit that there is still much improvement needed. God knows what others do not know about us. Others may not know about our weaknesses and shortcomings, but we do and so does God. Yet He keeps on blessing us in spite of ourselves. That's reason enough to continue the work in progress.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Say I Love You

Today, one of my special members went home to be with the Lord. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to be by her side, along with her only daughter and other family members. Although this was a tough situation for everyone, I am thankful that this daughter took the time on a frequent basis to tell her mother how much she loved her. Often times, we assume that a person knows that we love them. Even when they do know this, it is still important that we take the take to say "I Love You." If you are a man, know that a real man tells his wife, children, family, and friends (even male friends) that he loves them. These words are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. Although this daughter will miss her mom, she can take comfort in knowing that while she had a chance, she told her mom how much she loved her. What about you? When was the last time you used these words to express your feelings to your loved ones. Don't assume they know - make sure they know. Call them! Text them! Email them! Don't delay, for today may be their last tomorrow.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Why Do You Go to Church?

Every Sunday, millions of people get up out of the bed, dress and groom to go to church. However, many do not go for the right reasons. Some go to see what others are wearing. Some go for primarily social reasons. Some go simply out of tradition. First and foremost, you should go to worship God. Regardless of how well the choir sings, or how interesting the sermon was to you, you must understand that true worship begins with the individual. We should not go to church seeking the presence of God, but bringing the presence of God with us. Go to church to change; to improve; to get better. Go to church to be an inspiration, not a distraction. Ask yourself the question – why do I go to church?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Our Daily Bread

As I celebrate my birthday today, I am thankful not just for another year, but simply for another day. So often we focus so far into our future until we fail to enjoy the beauty of another day. The Lord's Prayer says "give us this day our daily bread." We should pray for bread daily, not weekly, monthly or annually. The only way one can pray for "daily" bread is by praying daily. Have you prayed today, or are you waiting for church service tomorrow? My day of celebration is tempered by the fact that a wonderful member of our congregation is lying in a coma in the hospital. This wonderful, relatively young woman was perfectly fine when I saw her on Thursday, but became ill the next day. As we pray for her full recovery and trust God completely for her healing, we are reminded how precious each day is. Don't take daily bread for granted.

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm Back!!!

Thank you for following this blog. I have received many comments from those of you who have missed my updates. I will resume blogging tomorrow. I intend to continue communicating messages of encouragement and hope to all my readers. Let your friends know that we will resume our messaging tomorrow. Have a blessed night. Make sure you go to the church of your choice this weekend.