Saturday, March 14, 2009

For the Little Things

The older I get, the more I find myself thanking God for things such as eyes that can see, legs that can walk, and a voice that can talk. Of course, I thank Him for all things, including the big ones (house, cars, money, etc.), but where would we be if it wasn't for the blessings we so often take for granted? Who says you have to be able to see? Why were you so blessed when others who are just as special to God have to rely on others to guide them around? We often fail to thank God for the "basics" of life. We take shoes for granted, when others have no feet. We get angry with our children, while others are trying desperately to conceive. We complain about the cost of car repairs, while others wait in the rain to catch the bus. We stress out when our spouse or roommate pays the mortgage or rent late. Try living under a rent-free bridge like so many have to do. I guess I've come to realize that nothing should be taken for granted. I've learned to thank God for everything, especially what we call the little things.

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