Friday, February 20, 2009


Congratulations! God has blessed you by letting you see another day! Many people woke up this morning thinking and saying "Thank God It's Friday!" It really should not matter what day of the week it is, for every day we wake up we should say "T.G.I.T. - Thank God It's Today!" There is a popular gospel song (GMWA Mass Choir) entitled "Everyday is a Day of Thanksgiving. My late father-in-law's personal definition of "grace" was time. He would always say that whenever God gave you more time, He was giving you grace. By waking up this morning, God has given more grace. Whenever I talk to a particular friend of mine, I usually begin the conversation by asking him how he's doing. He always responds by saying "Rev., every day is a holiday and every meal is a banquet." He always has such a bright outlook on life, even though he has been through many trials and tribulations. This friend is not a minister, and would admit that he is far from being a perfect Christian. Yet, he has discovered something about the grace of God that many of us have yet to learn. Each new day is a blessing from God. Whatever you may face today, thank God that you have today. Someone who is smarter, nicer, richer, healthier and younger than you did not wake up this morning - but you did! Thank God It's Today!


Anonymous said...

T.G.I.T. - Thank God It's Today!"
Praise God. Thank God that we were able to see the new day.Thanks so much Pastor Griffin for the word.I really enjoyed you when you came to the Number1hangout Martin Memorial AME Church Miami, Fl.Continue to let God be glorified through you.Karen " KK" Schell

Wanda P said...

Thank you Pastor! I now have a new saying: TGIT-Thank God It's Today!

Love it!

LaShawn said...

Amen to that Pastor...
This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. I like that T.G.I.T. I will have to use that one :o). "Thank God It's Today" No complaints just gratitude!!!!.

Stracey said...

I like that too. TGIT - that grace we don't deserve but God see fit to give. Thank you Lord!!